Foundation Event

Discover the winners of the first International Climate and Biodiversity Trophies supported by FORVIA Foundation

awards forvia foundation
On June 6th, 2024, in Paris, was held our first International Climate and Biodiversity Trophies ceremony, co-organized together by our FORVIA Foundation & The Maud Fontenoy Foundation. A new event that we have created to honor and support doctoral students and researchers who work on innovative solutions addressing environmental challenges.

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The theme of this first edition was "Oceans & Marine Biodiversity: A Source of Inspiration for Sustainable Solutions." It aimed to find cutting-edge research and development projects that help protect oceans and create sustainable industrial and technological solutions inspired by marine biodiversity. 

Student researchers could apply their projects from November 2023 to April 2024 if they were doing research in areas such as water treatment and microplastics prevention, biomaterials or climate change mitigation.

After evaluation of a jury of eminent researchers and scientific and technological institutional partners (French Museum of Natural history and college de France), three projects were awarded: 

  • The 1st prize, of a €20,000 value, went to Mariette GIBIER from Sorbonne University for the Green Bioplastics project, aiming at developing bio-based and biodegradable bioplastics using microalgae as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-derived plastics. 

  • The 2nd prize, of a €10,000 value, was awarded to Inês VIEIRA VENTURA from the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Sciences for her Bio-Inspired Medical Adhesive project, aiming at developing bio-inspired, sustainable, and highly effective biomedical adhesives by harnessing the properties of sea urchin adhesives. 

  • The 3rd prize, of a €5,000 value with an additional €5,000 as a special jury recognition, was given to Chloé ABRY from the University Institute of Vine and Wine - Jules Guyot - University of Bourgogne for her Bio-Sourced Antifungae from Microalgae project, a work on the potential of microalgae extracts as a natural and effective alternative to chemical inputs. 

"The ocean is a source of inspiration for sustainable innovations. These Trophies winners embody the spirit of creativity and collaboration that is essential for building a more sustainable future," said Maud FONTENOY, chairman of the Maud Fontenoy Foundation

FORVIA is strongly committed to fostering innovation and scientific research in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. Partnering with the Maud Fontenoy Foundation on the International Climate and Biodiversity Trophies empowers student researchers to transform research into tangible solutions for the industry. These awards serve as a powerful platform to support and encourage student scientific, technological and industrial research projects focusing on the challenges the preservation of biodiversity which will reduce the impact of climate change,” declared Patrick KOLLER, chairman of the FORVIA Foundation and FORVIA CEO 

Congratulations to these 3 young researchers for their inspiring and promising works. Research is key to establishing new sustainable solutions and with the FORVIA Foundation, we will continue supporting the Scientists & Research Community in various ways. You can find out more about our other projects here

See you next year for another edition. Submissions of projects will be starting from November 2024.