Corporate Publication

Convening of the General Meeting

On May 14, 2020, Faurecia’s Board of Directors held a meeting and convened its Annual General Meeting to approve the 2019 financial statements.

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The Annual General Meeting will be held on June 26, 2020 at the Company’s registered office in Nanterre at 10 a.m. In the context of the Covid-19 sanitary crisis, the Board of Directors decided, in accordance with order n°2020-321 dated 25 March 2020, that this General Meeting will take place behind closed doors, i.e. without shareholders being physically present.


Exceptionally, because of the global crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors proposes the shareholders not to pay a dividend for 2019. Due to the current lack of visibility, the Board of Directors decided to prioritize the Group’s corporate responsibility and liquidity over pay-out. The Board of Directors is convinced that this measure protects the interests of all Faurecia’s stakeholders. It strengthens the Group’s financial flexibility to overcome the current crisis and return as soon as possible to sustainable profitable growth and dividend payment.


Shareholders will be asked to approve the renewal of the corporate office as Board member of Odile Desforges, Linda Hasenfratz, Olivia Larmaraud and Michel de Rosen. As indicated in the 2019 Universal Registration Document, the Board of Directors decided to renew the corporate office of Michel de Rosen as Chairman of the Board of Directors, for the same term as his corporate office as Board member, subject to the renewal of his corporate office as Board member by the Annual General Meeting of June 26, 2020 and to the approval, by the same General Meeting, of the extension of the age limit defined in the bylaws for holding the office of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The full agenda, draft resolutions as well as the main modalities for participating in and voting at the Annual General Meeting will be set out in the meeting notice to be published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires and on the Group’s website ( on May 22, 2020.

As the Annual General Meeting will be held behind closed doors (i.e. without the physical presence of shareholders and other persons entitled to participate), Faurecia draws the shareholders’ attention on the following topics:

  • the Annual General Meeting will be streamed (live and deferred broadcast) on the Group’s website. Pursuant to applicable laws, shareholders are entitled to send written questions to the Company as of the publication of the meetings documents provided under Article R. 225-73-1 of the French Code of Commerce until the fourth trading day prior to the General Meeting;
  • Shareholders are invited to exercise their voting rights before the holding of the Annual General Meeting, either by internet via the secured VOTACCESS platform, or by returning their postal voting form, or also by giving proxy.

Shareholders are invited to regularly view the section dedicated to the 2020 Annual General Meeting including updated information on holding, organization, participation and voting to such meeting, on the Group’s website at

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Convening of the General Meeting - PR 15th May 2020 101.71 KB